Ceci est une version archivée de ProDigit à 2023-12-01 09:58:07.
To send and receive Ether and ERC-20 tokens, users need a unique Ethereum address called MetaMask. The 12-word seed phrase is crucial for wallet recovery. The MetaMask allows users to manage networks, customize settings, and interact with decentralized applications. Private keys are securely stored and are used to sign transactions and grant access to cash. Transaction histories and the balances of Ether (ETH) and ERC-20 tokens are displayed.

Looking for Trezor wallet | Trezor suite
Steps to link the Trezor Wallet with the Trezor Suite
1. Utilize an appropriate data cable to connect your Trezor device to your selected laptop or
2. Once it started, a message telling you to visit Suite will appear on the device.
3. To access the official Suite App, use your favorite browser and type in trezor.io.
4. Proceed by clicking the "Download for Desktop" option to install the Suite app.
5. Afterwards, click the "Install Firmware" option to update to the most recent firmware.
6. Now verify that the firmware fingerprints on the screens of your Trezor device and web
browser match.


Table des matières

  • Ecolline
  • Ressources supplémentaires
  • Conception et organisation d'un chantier
  • Gestion de projet