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But of course a woman and a mother could never hurt a child (sarcasm)

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Herbal Essence January 29, 2011 at 07:34
A couple of months ago I got a dirty and suspicious look from a librarian when I was in the children’s section. Not that I have to justify but I had a perfectly valid reason to be there, as I wanted to look at one of my favorite stories from childhood.
“OMG man unaccompanied by child. He must be a criminal.”

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DirkJohanson? January 29, 2011 at 07:34
Here’s a story about a broad that murdered her two children Thursday night: http://www.tampabay.com/news/publicsafety/crime/tampa-mother-accused-of-killing-two-kids-now-hospitalized-in-intensive/1148410

Husband was overseas in the Air Force when she did it. I wouldn’t be surprised if she was fucking someone else and was worried the teenage kids she murdered would talk.

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Clarence January 29, 2011 at 07:37
This is a good post.
I’ve been going every other month or so to a Barnes and Noble in my area to get coffee, sometimes food at the StarBucks? inside, and chat. I’ve occasionally purchased books. Now, I’ve only been in the childrens section once or twice, and I don’t recall any hassles (one time I was browsing the book selection there for about 15 minutes , recalling childhood memories and things like that and wondering what would be good for a kid if I had one), but I’ve never sat down in there. I think I will do so the next time I am there and see what happens. I won’t try to be conspicuous, but I won’t hide, and I won’t sit there more than 10 or 15 minutes but I’ll see what happens.